Parent Visas

Parent Visas

Parent Visas are for parents of children who are Australian citizens or permanent residents allowing sponsorship to reside in Australia.

Temporary Residence Options

Parents may be eligible for a long-stay visitor visa allowing for stays of up to 12 months in an 18 month period.

A new temporary parent visa will start in November 2017, with 15,000 visas available annually.

This visa will allow sponsored parents to stay for up to three or five years, and apply for renewal outside Australia for a total stay of up to ten years.

These Temporary sponsored parent visa holders will not be able to apply onshore for a permanent visa. The visa holder’s sponsoring child will have legal liability for any public health and aged care costs incurred by the parents.

Permanent Residence options

Parents must meet the “balance of family test”
i.e., the number of children who are permanently resident in Australia must be greater than, or equal to, the number of children who live overseas.
more of your children live permanently in Australia than in any other country.

An assurance of support is required in all cases.

The Contributory Parent Permanent visa is typically processed in 18–24 months. Total cost for the application is over $45,000 per parent.

The Contributory Parent Temporary visa is a 2-year temporary visa at half the cost of the permanent visa at that time. Parents may then apply for the subsequent permanent contributory parent visa within 2 years with a reduced fee, spreading the high visa costs over a longer time.

The lower cost “non-contributory” parent visas now have a processing queue estimated at 30 years so for most people are not a viable option.

It is possible to apply for an ‘aged ‘parent visa from within Australia if at least one parent is of pension age as set by the DHS.


Call Arrive Australia today to arrange a consultation.

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PO Box 21042, World Square, NSW 2002, Australia
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